The Smithsonian has done a great job for the gods covering the evidence of the Giants which populated America long LONG ago. They Are ALL Part of the Same Club Even though all the various Secret Gods may look like they are pursuing opposing agendas, they are all ultimately on the same team even if all of them have not gotten the same memos. They are ALL trying to increase homo sapiens ability to take care of themselves. The most effective training methods employ BOTH carrot AND stick, and homo divinus has both the biggest, juiciest carrots, and the nastiest, gnarliest sticks with which to reward and punish. Hilkiah, Christian Rosenkreuz, Tetisheri, Rasputin, Prester John, Merlin, Comte de Saint Germain, Huldah, Lü Buwei, Li Si, and Zhao Gao were ALL Secret Gods who homo divinus employed to direct homo sapiens from within. Homo divinus have been using Secret Gods constantly since at least Tetisheri, almost a sar (3, 600) years ago. The Secret Gods have allowed the gods a quiet, effective, and efficient control mechanism to allow homo sapiens to make decisions for themselves, and even make a few mistakes, but ensures those mistakes aren't TOO severe and don't go on TOO long.

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The average Harvard student can't explain the relationship between axial tilt and the seasons. People are ignorant of things they don't care about even if they've been taught it repeatedly because knowledge unrehearsed is quickly lost, and if you never cared about it and never use it you will never call it to mind again after the test. If we learned how to learn from this repeated process of learning and forgetting, perhaps it would be worthwhile. If learning Latin or algebra taught you how to structure an argument in some way perhaps the seemingly futile would be worth it, though if that's our goal we'd be better off pursuing it directly, surely. We do not learn how to learn in this manner. Transfer of learning is so weak and inconsistent that there's real debate over whether it exists at all. To an astonishing extent people learn only and exactly what they have been taught. Drawing connections between very tightly connected fields and situations is rare enough. Abstraction and analogical reasoning do not happen outside of intense application.

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