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Read the full news release:. Illinois recently ranked 3rd nationally for # LEED green building. LEED is the most widely used # greenbuilding program & was created to set standards & define best practices for high-performing, healthy, green buildings. Buildings account for approx. 39% of total US energy use. Geothermal News: Chaddix Junior High School, in Normal IL, will soon be updating their HVAC and installing a geothermal energy system. McLean Co. Unit 5 board recently voted in favor of the project, which will cut costs for the district by reducing gas and electric use. Webinar series Feb 11-April 29: Energy & Nutrient Optimization for Municipal WWTPs presented by @EPASoutheast, @NCDEQ & Waste Reduction Partners. Learn how activated sludge plants can reduce energy costs & improve nutrient removal. To register: Two IL universities will receive $25, 000 each in fed funds for students to develop & demonstrate projects that help address # environmental & # publichealth concerns. @IllinoisTech hopes to reduce PFAS contamination & @SIUC plans to mitigate harmful algal blooms.

Wilmington ma public schools job openings rio grande valley

Claim: Police protect you. The homicide rate in america among the general population is about 5 per 100 000 every year. 5 police kill an average of three people a day, or about 1000 a year. that we know of, it is hard to track these numbers correctly because they are not officially counted. even though we track the amount of people who die from any other cause. there are just under 700 000 police in america. 6 7 8 before i try break down these numbers, i do want to clarify something. this comparison is skewed, not all police killings are unjustified. and homicide rates among the general public do not include accidental deaths. so 5 per 100 000 is only a reflection of your likelihood to be the victim of homicide, not necessarily your odds of being killed by any given non-cop. whereas the police kill count does include accidental (read - negligent) deaths. that said, the disparity between the two metrics is still very telling. 1000 per 700 000 works out to a kill rate of 142 per 100 000. which is 28 times higher than the national homicide rate.

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