Staff Background The staff background section examines and analyzes the individuals you'll encounter during the on-campus interview as well as those you'd work with. You most likely won't know many of these professionals in person, so it's important to do as much research about their backgrounds as possible. This research includes reviewing their professional backgrounds by examining their LinkedIn profiles, CV/resumes, and past conference presentations. You can also attempt to find individuals' blogs and personal websites (if applicable). In addition, you can also research each person's social media background through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or through traditional networking with other professionals you know. Strategic Questions Lastly, your Briefing Book will cover strategic questions. These questions will be created based on information you gained from your research. Your strategic questions will be used for two important purposes: to gain information and to share that you know information.

On campus job interview questions

On Campus Interview — Job Hakr | Student Affairs Job Search

on campus job interview questions

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Generally, large law firms recruit students from the top of the rising 2L class. If you are interested in applying to a large firm, you should have your application materials ready for receipt by the firm's recruiting coordinator no later than mid-July during the summer between the 1L and 2L year. NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process From PRINCIPLES FOR CANDIDATES Candidates are encouraged to comply with the policies and procedures of each law school from which they obtain services, as well as those of employers they engage with during the recruitment process. Students are encouraged to promptly report any misrepresentation, discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, or other inappropriate conduct by employers in the recruitment process to their office of career services and/or the appropriate authority. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for the employment search process by: Engaging in self-assessment before beginning an employment search and availing themselves of the services and resources provided by their office of career services and all other available resources; Learning as much as possible about target employers and the nature of the open positions prior to making employment inquiries; and Interviewing only with employers in which they have a genuine interest.

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