1. Charleston airport job opening soon

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Here's what to know about how the district is reopening its school buildings: What is HSE's current plan? The district has a three-phase plan for returning to schools. In the first phase, all students are virtual. In phase two, students are on a hybrid schedule of 50% virtual and 50% in-person learning and the third phase is in-person learning five days per week. Students will still have a fully virtual option in the second and third phases. The district is currently in phase one through Labor Day. Has the district changed its plan? Yes. HSE's first plan in July offered both in-person and virtual options for all students. Then, on July 17, the district announced its phased approach that started fully virtual for all students. That plan had four phases including a now-deleted phase between hybrid and all in-person that was four days in-person and one day of virtual each week. On Aug. 14, the district moved to its current plan. Is HSE's plan different from other schools in Hamilton County?

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