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Online Reactions On Reddit, a link thread to an Associated Press tweet confirming Jobs' death was posted within the first hour [14], generating 6, 600 comments within the first four hours. Twitter struggled to keep up with the flood of reactionary tweets and hashtags like "RIP Steve Jobs, " #ThankYouSteve, "iHeaven" and "Only 56" that shot up to the microblogging service's top 10 trending topics. #SteveJobs also rose to the top globally trending hashtag of the day with a run rate of 72, 000 tweets per hour at is peak, according to Twitter analytics services WhatTheTrend [15] and Twopcharts. [16] Condolences Numerous influential figures in the social media and technology industry issued statements in remembrance of Jobs, including Apple co-founder and longtime friend Steve Wozniak [6], Microsoft co-founder and chairman Bill Gates [7], Google co-founder and CEO Larry Page [8] and Facebook co-founder and chairman Mark Zuckerberg [9]. President Obama [10] also issued a statement on the White House blog.

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