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Is your 8-to-5 job paired with that hell of a commute to and from work draining the life out of you? Would you like to spend more time with your family AND earn some keep at the same time? Being a fireman's family is a challenge. We may not show it on this blog or in our Instagram feed, but it is. People often wonder how we're making our family life "blissful. " Folks, that's called selective sharing. I don't like washing dirty laundry in public, which is why you don't see much of the nasty part of being a fireman's family. So let me tell you that being married to a fireman isn't all rainbows and butterflies. We go through challenging times, we just don't share 'em…unless we think sharing our problem can benefit others. Most of the time, we zip it. But for the sake of this post, let me share with you one problem we often encounter in our family–and that's time my husband gives to the service. The thing with being in service is that we, the family, have to accept that it often comes before us.

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Your clothes can definitely make an impression and make you memorable, so taking risks can pay off. Basically, if you're confident you have great style, go for it. While no one we spoke to said that they've made a hiring decision (positive or negative) based solely on someone's outfit, most of them admitted that clothing does make an impact. Foxman says he has "never, ever disqualified somebody based on an outfit or an accessory, " but admits he usually notices someone's coat and bag and says he was once told that he got a job because of a Prada belt he wore to his interview. "I'm so glad that I heard that so many years later that that had an impact, because I did spend money on that belt, but I have to hope also that I made an impression otherwise. " He adds, "I can't tell you for the life of me what my two assistants who are so fantastic wore to the interview. " "I actually pay a good amount of attention to the outfit choice and do remember what they wore, especially if it is an interesting look, " says Rose.

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