1. Agronomist job opening in piedmont nc 2.0

For the most recent advice go to and the COVID-19 section of this site. Welcome Welcome to the website of the Australian Embassy in Cairo. This website is designed to provide you with information about Australia and Egypt, and the services the Embassy is able to offer. The Australian Embassy in Cairo is responsible for covering Australia's relations with not only Egypt, but also Sudan and Eritrea, where we do not maintain Embassies. There is an extensive array of information online about Australia and the Australian Government and this site may be used as a tool to direct you to these sites. For those seeking information about Egypt and travel to Egypt, a good place to start is with the website of the Egyptian Embassy in Canberra. Please feel free to contact us if you require more information or assistance. The Embassy's e-mail address is: [email protected] or follow us on Facebook at If you are an Australian citizen requiring urgent consular assistance Personal information provided to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988.

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